Making Informed Decisions About Your Estate Plan

People often have ideas of how they would like their estate distributed or how personal matters should be handled upon their death, yet they are not always sure how to accomplish these goals.

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What is a charitable remainder trust?

A charitable remainder trust is an irrevocable trust that allows a donor to make a gift to a trust, then receive income from the trust during the donor’s lifetime.

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Can a 信任 own and manage my business?

Adam Keilen 遗产规划 and Probate: Wills, 信任s, & 地产. Can a 信任 own and manage my business? The short answer – yes, it can; however, there is more to…

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What is an Irrevocable Life Insurance 信任 (ILIT)?

Adam Keilen The Goal of an ILIT is to Avoid Inclusion in the Insured’s Gross Estate: For a typical life insurance policy, the death benefit proceeds are includible in a…

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Should I get a trust?

Adam Keilen Should I get a 信任? The short answer – it depends. There are several factors to consider; primarily, trusts help clients avoid probate (saving time and money), 因此……

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Decanting Statutes in Michigan

Adam Keilen Decanting is the discretionary exercise of a fiduciary power to appoint assets in trust, 意义, irc2652, to “effect an arrangement that although not a trust, 已经……

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Transfer Property From Parent to Child

The Michigan legislature passed a new law that impacts the way Michigan residential property taxes are assessed. Proposal A went into effect in January, 1995, and limited the amount a…

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Amendment to 529 Educational Accounts

Adam Keilen As of January 2, 2013, Public Act 552 of 2012 was signed and amends the law regarding asset exemptions, as they relate to creditors. The Act protects 529…

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